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Shrine of remembrance-Melbourne, Australia

Building, the front view
History of human beings is a history of war. Ever since human beings were civilized, they have had wars in their history and the war actually killed many people, who were involved in wars directly, and who were victimized by its damage. Those who remained alive must have unanimously thought to give comfort to spirits of the deceased. Shine of remembrance in Melbourne is one of those thoughts.

Melbourne, the Economist's high-ranked city as the livable city in the world, is located in the south-east in Australia. The city now belongs to the state of Victoria and the state's capital city. Shrine of remembrance is located in the south from Melbourne's central part (called "city") and near from Royal Botanic Garden.

According to the shrine's website, the shrine was built for people in Victoria who died in Wolrd War I, and became a memorial to Australian victims. Especially, it was difficult to bring back bodies of soldiers who died in the war front-line overseas into their home in Australia, so the shrine is kind of a collective gravestone for those undetected Australians.

I was trying to go to the city's royal botanic garden but found this place by chance. Since the building was tall and looked gorgeous, I got excited to go inside.

When I entered into the building, I found a ray of light coming down from the ceiling in a spacious entrance hall. I looked up for where the light came from and I found a small square-shaped skylight. The light helped me reminded that this place was important to this city and I should never be vulgar to this respectfulness.

There were many Australian or Union Jack frags hanged from the building's ceiling and it seems to represent the enshrined people. I didn't find tangibly but I heard later that the shrine had lists of the victim's names in the shrine. There were not vivid exhibitions and it looked to me that the whole place was simply to embed the war remembrance in our hearts to never let it happen.

Decorations of the building's outer wall were beautiful. Reliefs related to the war were embedded onto the wall and sculptures were deployed every side. These decorations their selves were worthy to take a look.

I saw a group of school students with their teacher. A man who looked a guide of the shrine explained its origin to the school people. The shine has been used for education in school, simply for remembrance. A generation who indulged into the war is respected by their next generation, and now it is being passed onto the new generation. The history, sometimes with regret, goes alive.
Decorations on the wall



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Gregory Maxwell - From File:Yin yang.png, converted to SVG by Gregory Maxwell., パブリック・ドメイン, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=364239による 歌手の宇多田ヒカルさんが、自身のインスタライブで視聴者からの質問に答えていた時のこと。海外ファンから、「なぜ大切な方との関係が終わった時に、心が痛むのか?」という、答えに窮するような質問がありました。宇多田さんはしばらく考えた後に、その質問に対して、このように答えるのです。 「その痛みは、もともと持っていたものじゃないのかな。それで、その人との関係は<痛み止め>みたいなもので、その間痛みを忘れていたというか。だから、関係が終わった時に痛みを思い出したのだと思う。」 (宇多田さんは英語で回答されていたので、内容を意訳しております。) ヒット曲を連発する宇多田さん、その感性に改めて脱帽しています。 宇多田さんがご存じなのかどうかわかりませんが、この考え方は易経にある「陰陽」の考え方に通じるところがあります。万物は、常に陰陽、2つの正反対の側面を持つというものです。 太極図 冒頭の陰陽マーク、ご存知の方も多いのではないでしょうか。 黒は陰、白は陽を現し、一つの円に勾玉のような形で陰陽が描かれています。また、陰陽ともに同じ面積であり、一つのものには、1:1の比率で陰と陽がセットになっているという、易経が最も重視する考えを端的に示した図です。 宇多田さんの例をとると、痛みは陰、大切な方との関係を陽としたときに、陽にいる間、もともとの痛み(陰)を忘れていただけ、という見方ができます。   このマーク、正式には「太陰太極図」と呼ばれています。 大いなる陰が大きく極まった時の図、と解釈できますね。 宇宙や海底、母親の胎内。生命が始まった場所はすべて光の届かない闇。「 陰 陽」であって「陽 陰 」ではないことからも、闇の上に光が存在していることがわかります。闇が極まった時、光が誕生する。この「陽転」とよばれる瞬間を切り取ったのが、太極図なのかもしれません。 光ばかり注目される世の中。 多くの人が、物事の良い面ばかりを追いかけていきます。 でも、「光があるから闇」ではなく、闇の中にいるから光