I've been fatigued down recently. Literally, it’s “the more hectic my days, the weaker my health”. However, I've never given up thanks to a strong belief embedded in my heart. Today, I’d like to share how your belief works in you, especially when you are in a great danger. I’m a writer/photographer but simultaneously working in a chemical-manufacturing company. Recently, the company decided to send some of the employees to overseas countries for one year in order to nurture their English proficiency, and you know what, their “globalism eyes”. My colleague in the same office was chosen to join the program and I believe it will be beneficial to his career path. However, during the one year he’s absent, the other colleague and I should take care of his current works; namely, his workload is added on top of our conventional works. With the new work in addition to my current work, I’ve just come to be in charge of sales in 70% of the countries in this planet to sel...
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for reading. A travel diary-mainly Japanese Shinto Shrines with tips of its culture. Sometimes spots in the world. Flying between Japanese and English. 日英両言語で、神道文化/神社参拝記、時々旅日記を公開しているブログです。