Legendarily, Japan is almost 2700 years old, originating in the date of the first emperor Jimmu’s enthronement. Almost all of the years were feudalistic; the Emperor was its monarch. In the medieval time, the Samurai took over powers to govern the nation but the society was still feudalistic. People were quite subject to someone with overwhelming power. Democracy was introduced to Japan by importing the Parliamentary politics developed in Westminster only about 200 years ago when the Tokugawa Shogunate demised. Namely, out of the 2700-year history, democracy is only 200 years old: 7 percent only in this nation. Metaphorically, Japan’s democracy is just a 7-year-old child, simply immatured. We Japanese people are still subject to someone with strong/outstanding power and allowed a dominant power to be tyrant in politics. With this regaed, Japan’s politics is still feudalistic but in the form of democracy; just a replacement from the Imperial court or Shogunate in the history. This i...
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for reading. A travel diary-mainly Japanese Shinto Shrines with tips of its culture. Sometimes spots in the world. Flying between Japanese and English. 日英両言語で、神道文化/神社参拝記、時々旅日記を公開しているブログです。