Work is a better way to construct your life. For your vital life and your living days. If you complain it, embrace your complaining part. Not for giving in. Just for observing as it is. Yin and Yang. The Yin is a starter of the Yang. Never an order of Yang and Yin. The complaining part is a starter to shine yourself. If you shine yourself, think of when you turn off the shine. Can ’ t keep shining forever as there are days and nights. When sleeping, you will turn off the light. That is applied to your life: Yin and Yang shall go around. Being neutral not to judge good or bad. Today is your most matured day where you accumulated your experience and knowledge, and it your day with a baby step for unknown future. Focus on Now. Past is in the past; no returns. Future is in the future; no regrets. Now is your result of the past and seed for your future. No changes are applied to the Past. That said, changes are applied to how you define the Past. The redefining is always ...
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for reading. A travel diary-mainly Japanese Shinto Shrines with tips of its culture. Sometimes spots in the world. Flying between Japanese and English. 日英両言語で、神道文化/神社参拝記、時々旅日記を公開しているブログです。