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私が茶道家として所属しているのは、「石州流大口派」です。 最近、他流派の方が我々の点前を見ると、総じて「作法がきれい、丁寧」と褒めていただくことが多いです。 色々珍しいのか、点前を披露した後に質問攻めにあうこともあるのですが、多くの方に注目されるのが、手指を使って「道具を撫でる」という独特の行為です。 一般的にどの流派でも、点前中に茶道具を袱紗(ハンカチのようなもの)で拭い、ほこりを払って清めることは共通しています。しかし、私たちはこれに加えて、特に濃茶席を設ける際に、茶器(抹茶粉を入れる容器)や柄杓(茶釜からお湯をすくう杓)を指の腹で払い、さらに清める作法を含めています。 作法の由来と精神 この作法は、石州流の流祖である片桐石州が「茶席に持ち込むものは特に清潔であるべき」という精神を重んじていたことに由来します。 戦国大名であった石州にとって、自分が点てた茶に少しでも穢れが含まれ、それが毒となって万が一にでも仕える将軍にとって仇となれば手打ち、武士として腹を切る覚悟を求められるほど、一つ一つの茶席が命がけだったのかもしれません。鋭い刀の切っ先のごとく、この「清廉潔白」さは当流の作法の隅々にいきわたっています。 また、石州流と一口に言っても、そこには枝葉のような流派が多く存在しています。このうち、私が所属する「大口派」では、創始者・大口樵翁が香道を嗜んでいたことにちなみ、点前に香道の作法を取り入れ、優雅な手指の動きを取り入れて発展させたと聞いています。 道具との友情 この作法は清潔さを重んじるためのものですが、私自身は茶道具の「頭を撫でる」ような気持ちで行っています。それは、子供を愛おしむことにも似ています。変な話ですが、お点前さんも茶道具の一部という思いを持っているからこそ、物言わぬ道具たちとの信頼関係を深めることで、よりおいしい茶を点てられるよう協力してもらうという意識を持っています。 不思議なことに、このような気持ちで茶道具を撫でていると、茶の味がまろやかになるように感じるのです。道具たちに敬 意を払いながら点てた茶が、心を通わせる一杯としてお客様のもとに届いてくれるよう願っています。


茶道を通して、人々に幸せを届けることは私の大切な目標の一つです。これは茶室という狭い空間から始まりますが、その影響は思いのほか遠くまで広がるものだと信じています。 幸せの波及効果を示す調査 ハーバード大学が行った「1人の幸せがどのくらい遠くまで波及するのか」を調べた研究をご存知でしょうか。この調査では、1万2000人以上を対象に30年以上追跡した結果、次のような驚くべき事実が明らかになっています。 個人が幸せでいると、「直接の知り合い」の幸福度が平均15%上昇する。 さらに「友達の友達」の幸福度は平均10%、「友達の友達の友達」の幸福度は6%上昇する。 つまり、一人の幸せがその周囲へ連鎖的に伝わり、結果として多くの人々の幸福度が高まるのです。 茶室という特別な空間 茶室は、通常4畳半という狭い空間で構成されています。一度に大人数を招く「大寄せ」の場合を除き、茶席はこじんまりとした空間で客と向き合う場です。この限られた空間の中で、いかに特別な時間を提供するかが私たち茶人の役目と言えます。 小さな幸せを持ち帰る 私の願いは、この4畳半の茶室で客に「何か幸せだったな」と思ってもらうこと。点てた茶が美味しかった、作法が美しかった、茶室の雰囲気が新鮮だった──理由は何でも良いのです。一つでも幸せだったと思える体験を持ち帰ってもらえればと思っています。 幸せの伝播 その小さな幸せが、ご家族や友人、周囲の方々へと伝わると考えると、茶道の意義はさらに深まります。直接茶道が広まるわけではありませんが、客が持ち帰った「なんか幸せそう」という雰囲気が、その方の周りにも伝播し、ささやかながら幸せな人が増える。これこそが、ハーバード大学の研究が示す波及効果と重なる部分ではないでしょうか。 茶室から広がるバタフライ効果 私が点前座で茶を点てる時、いつもこの思いを胸に抱いています。この狭い空間での出来事が、私の目に触れない遠くの誰かへと幸せを届けるきっかけになる。これを「バタフライ効果」と呼んでも良いかもしれません。 どうせなら、客が「良かった」と思える体験をしていただきたい。その体験が波紋のように広がり、社会全体にささやかな幸せを生み出していく──そんな希望を胸に、日々茶と向き合っています。


茶道は日本の伝統文化の一つであり、客をもてなす心が大切だと言われています。しかし、私はお点前をする際、少し異なる観点を持っています。それは、「お点前さんは客をもてなす存在ではなく、茶器や茶釜、茶杓たちと同じ『茶を点てる道具の一部に過ぎない』」という考え方です。この視点を持つことで、自我を極力排し、茶を点てる行為そのものに専念するようにしています。 「おもてなし」と「表無し」の違い 一般的に「おもてなし」という言葉は、「客をもてなす」という意味合いで使われます。しかし、私の師匠から教わったのは、「おもてなし」を「表無し」として捉えることの大切さです。 表がなければ裏もない。これが「表無し」の本質です。確かに、誰かを特別にもてなすことは、その人に幸せを感じてもらえますが、同時に他の人をもてなさないという区別が生まれ、不満が募る原因にもなり得ます。茶道の精神において、これは避けるべきことです。 もちろん、相対するお客さんによっては、多少作法に差は生じます。古くは天皇や皇族方、将軍や大名といった特殊な立場の人々、現代では経営者などの立場のある方と私たちのような一般の方とでは、その方々が茶室で窮屈な思いをしないよう、点前の作法や使う茶碗を普段のものと区別して気遣うということはあります。ただ、目の前にある一碗の茶自体が、人を取捨選択、区別しないことは常に意識しています。 茶席で客をもてなさない、という意味では決してありません。お客さんへの気遣いやもてなしについては、アシスタントである半東さん(はんどう:接客役のようなもの。茶会では、お点前さんと半東さんの二人体制で茶席を差配します)にお任せして、茶を供する点前役としては、表も裏もつくらず、ただ目の前の茶を点てることだけを念頭に置いています。半東さんがいないときは、自分一人でお点前ももてなしもするわけですが、それでもお点前中は静寂を保ち、一切の邪念は振り払うようにしています。 無心で茶に語らせる 私たち人間は完璧ではありません。目の前の客に心を注ぐことはもちろんできますが、同時に周囲のすべてに気を配るのは容易ではありません。だからこそ、「表」を意識せず、「裏」を作らず、ただ無心で茶を点てる。点てた茶そのものが、香りや風味などで語り始めるのを待ちます。 茶道において、道具たちは私たちと同じく主役の一部です。茶釜が湯の音を奏で、茶杓が...

Akashiyaki: The Delicate Cousin of Takoyaki

When we think of Japanese street food, especially when you are around Osaka, Takoyaki(たこ焼き), the octopus-filled balls, often comes to mind. However, nestled in the coastal city of Akashi in Hyogo Prefecture, about one hour away by train from central Osaka, another culinary delight awaits: Akashiyaki(明石焼き). This lesser-known yet equally delectable dish offers a unique gastronomic experience that sets it apart from its more famous cousin. The Origin and Popularity of Akashiyaki Akashiyaki, also known as Tamagoyaki in its local dialect, has a history dating back to the Edo period. Originating in Akashi, a city renowned for its fresh seafood, Akashiyaki is a testament to the region's rich culinary heritage. Traditionally, the dish was a simple street food, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. Over the years, it has gained popularity beyond Akashi, finding its way into the hearts of food enthusiasts across Japan and even internationally. Akashiyaki vs. Takoyaki: The Key Differences To ...

Exploring the Museum Pfalzgalerie in Kaiserslautern: A Fusion of European and American Art

Kaiserslautern, a charming city in the southwestern Germany, boasts a rich historical tapestry and vibrant cultural scene. Known for its picturesque landscapes and a blend of traditional and modern influences, Kaiserslautern serves as an ideal gateway to explore the artistic treasures of the region.  To truly understand the history and culture of Kaiserslautern, I ventured to the Museum Pfalzgalerie . This museum is a haven for art enthusiasts, showcasing a diverse array of exhibitions that span various periods and styles. The collections include an impressive range of paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art, each narrating a unique story about the region and beyond. A Special Exhibition: American Modern Art One of the highlights of my visit was a special exhibition dedicated to American modern art, typified by iconic advertisement posters featuring Marilyn Monroe. This exhibition provided a fascinating contrast to the museum’s extensive European collections. The vivid colors...

Unveiling the Mysteries: A Journey through the Museum of Medicines at Heidelberg Castle

As I strolled through the ancient walls of Heidelberg Castle, little did I anticipate the Museum of Medicines , nestled within the historic walls of this magnificent fortress. What followed was a captivating journey through the evolution of medicines, from their humble beginnings rooted in nature to the sophisticated remedies of the present day. The museum's exhibits offered a comprehensive overview of the history of medicine, tracing its roots back to the use of herbs and natural ingredients by ancient healers. From the earliest apothecaries to the cutting-edge pharmaceutical advancements of modern times, each display provided a glimpse into the remarkable progression of medical science in Germany and beyond. However, amidst the awe-inspiring advancements, I was confronted with the dark origins of medicine. What began as a means of alleviating suffering and curing ailments had its roots in practices that were far from benevolent. It was a chilling realization to learn that medicin...

A Glimpse into Courtly Life and Ruins of Power

As an enthusiast of court culture and European history, my journey through Germany led me to the magnificent ruins of Heidelberg Castle , perched atop the hills overlooking the charming city. Heidelberg Castle stands as a testament to centuries of royal splendor and tumultuous history. Originally constructed in the 13th century and served as the residence of the Palatinate electors for several centuries, the castle saw expansions and renovations over the centuries, evolving into a grand symbol of power and prestige. However, despite its majestic past, a series of wars and fires destroyed the castle and it now lies in ruins, a silent witness to the ravages of time and war. While time constraints prevented me from delving into the castle's interior through a guided tour, I relished the opportunity to explore its exterior and soak in the ambiance of its courtyard. The intricate facade and remnants of decorative elements on the walls hinted at the grandeur that once filled these halls,...

Shaolin Temple Europe: Exploring the Intersection of Tradition and Modernity

In the heart of Germany lies a haven of ancient wisdom and martial arts mastery: Shaolin Temple Europe . My recent trip to Germany, accompanied by a friend who is a licensed Qigong trainer, led us to this remarkable place. For her, the opportunity to delve into the teachings of Shi Feng Yi , the esteemed headmaster of Shaolin Europe, was a dream come true. Visiting the temple was the pinnacle of our itinerary, and after much anticipation, we finally set foot within its hallowed grounds. Although Master Shi was away on a journey to spread his profound knowledge of Qigong and Gongfu across the globe, our disappointment was quickly dispelled by the warm welcome we received from a monk named Miao. Miao, hailing from France, exuded a serene aura that spoke volumes of his dedication to monkhood. His very name, bestowed upon him in the tradition of Buddhism, hinted at the depth of his spiritual journey spanning several years. Despite Master Shi's absence, Miao graciously guided us through...

A Taste of German Wine Along the Rhein

Germany, often celebrated for its beer culture, also holds a gem in its vineyards: wine. German wine boasts a rich history and a unique flavor profile that captures the essence of its terroir. From the lush valleys along the Rhein River to the rolling hills of Mosel, German wine regions offer an exquisite journey for oenophiles and casual enthusiasts alike. German wine has a long and storied tradition dating back to Roman times when vineyards were first planted along the riverbanks. However, it wasn't until the Middle Ages that winemaking truly flourished, thanks to the efforts of monasteries and noble families. The cool climate and diverse soil types, ranging from slate to limestone, contribute to the distinctive character of German wines, marked by their acidity, elegance, and ability to reflect their terroir. Today, German wine holds a significant place in the global wine market, with exports reaching wine enthusiasts around the world. From crisp Rieslings to aromatic Gewürztram...

A Culinary Journey Through Germany: Exploring Delicious Delights

As I reflect on my recent trip to Germany, one aspect stands out prominently in my memory: the exquisite culinary adventure I embarked upon. From hearty classics to delicate specialties, each dish I encountered left an indelible mark on my taste buds and fueled my passion for exploring global cuisines. Join me as I recount my gastronomic journey through the flavors of Germany. Schnitzel: A Crispy Classic The journey began with the iconic Schnitzel, a dish synonymous with German cuisine. Thinly pounded meat, typically veal or pork, coated in breadcrumbs and fried to golden perfection, Schnitzel embodies simplicity and satisfaction. Each bite was a harmonious symphony of crunch and tenderness, leaving me craving for more of this timeless delight. White Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce: A Springtime Sensation Intrigued by seasonal specialties, I indulged in the delicate flavors of white asparagus paired with velvety Hollandaise sauce. Asparagus, celebrated as a springtime delicacy in Germ...

Beer hunting!

Guten Tag, fellow travelers and beer enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to take you on a journey through my recent trip in Germany, where I indulged in the country's renowned alcoholic delights, from the crisp taste of German beer to the sweet notes of its exquisite wines. Let's start my adventure with the cornerstone of German culture: beer. As a alcohol lover: friends, you know how lovery I am for alcohol!, I couldn't resist immersing myself in the rich brewing traditions of this European gem. My taste buds danced with joy as I sampled the quintessential German pilsner and Kölsch, the local beer of Cologne. Now, let's delve into the fascinating differences between the pilsner and Kölsch. While both are emblematic of German brewing excellence, they each offer a unique drinking experience. The pilsner, characterized by its full-bodied taste and slightly bitter finish, is a staple in beer halls and taverns across the country. On the other hand, Kölsch delights the pala...

The Cathedral in Colnghe, Germany

Stepping foot in Colnghe, Germany, I embarked on a journey filled with anticipation and excitement, driven by my passion for Christian cultures and history, which I have had since I majored in European history at my college. At the heart of my itinerary lay a destination I had longed to visit for years - the Cathedral. Little did I know that my experience would unfold into a captivating tale of awe-inspiring beauty, intricate craftsmanship, and spine-tingling encounters with history. As I entered the Cathedral, a wave of reverence washed over me. Its grand facade rose majestically against the sky, a testament to centuries of architectural mastery and spiritual significance. With each step, I found myself drawn deeper into its hallowed halls, eager to uncover the secrets held within. Inside, I was greeted by a symphony of colors and light dancing across the vaulted ceilings. The air hummed with the whispers of countless prayers offered up by pilgrims past and present. My eyes were imm...