As explained previously Izanagi Jingu Shrine ), Izanagi, a father god of Japan, purified himself in the ocean after coming back from the dead land where his wife lived after her death. Shinto priests cast a famous Shinto Prayer called “Harae-kotoba” (words for purification) in front of gods’ alter in the dwelling as their daily duty and some festivals . Here is the content of the words. Words of purification (祓詞) 掛まくも畏き 伊邪那岐大神 筑紫の日向の橘の小戸の阿波岐原に 禊祓へ給ひし時に成りませる祓戸大神等 諸諸の禍事罪穢有らむをば 祓へ給ひ清め給へと白す事を聞食せと 恐み恐も白す [Interpretation] Dear Purification gods, Although it’s too awesome to speak his name out of my mouth, you were borne when The Great God Izanagi purified himself in an ocean called Awagigahara, located in Odo district of Tachibana area in Hyuga of Chikushi. If there are various unfortunates/sins in me, please accept my plea and purify those. (Retrieved on 2012/10/2 from ) Reading from the English interpret...
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